Artist's Statement
My work is an exploration into another world, one that only exists in my imagination, a world where colour and pattern collide, taking the viewer away from the mundane into a place of fantasy.
Since leaving university in 2010 with a BA and an MA in fine art, I have been investigating how the use of colour and pattern can create a tension between the background and surface, bringing a new perspective to a familiar subject.
The juxtaposition of these elements can bring drama, movement, light and depth to my work, while the subject matter provides a framework and structure on which to pin my abstractions, allowing my mind to concentrate on the improvisation and creativity of the shapes and form.
The medium used to create my work is pen, ink, watercolour and gouache.
I have been a member of edan since leaving university and have found that taking part in a number of their exhibitions has enabled me to take my art in directions I normally would not have thought to go. This in turn has stretched my imagination and brought a new depth to my work.
Having done a number of commissions, I am now prefer to sell work that is already made as I find it restrictive trying to please someone else.
More of Neida's work can be found at Contact –
EDAN Member Artist information